Quality of the Environment in Japan 1990
Quality of the Environment in Japan 1990 HTML
Chapter1. Environmental Issues In The Globalization EraHTML
I. Expanding Scope of Environmental ProblemsHTML
1. Trends in Japan in the World Over the...HTML
2. Expanding Scope of Global Environmental ProblemsHTML
3. Global Environment Issue as Interaction of...HTML
II. Energy and the EnvironmentHTML
1. Environmental Problems in Energy ConsumptionHTML
2. Structure for Energy Consumption and Carbon...HTML
3. Approaches and StudiesHTML
4. Working for Shift to Environment Conserving...HTML
III. Forest Resources and EnvironmentHTML
1. Diversified Values of Forests and Issues on...HTML
2. Japan's Ties with Forest ResourcesHTML
3. Approach to Pertinent Forest ManagementHTML
4. Future Policy Evolution for Sustainable...HTML
Chapter2. Toward Actions Friendly To The...HTML
I. Comprehensive Policy Response and...HTML
1. Formulation of Basic Strategy and...HTML
2. Drastic Strengthening of Energy-and...HTML
3. Integration of Environmental Conservation...HTML
4. Enhancement of the People's Consciousness...HTML
II. From Communities to the Globe--Approach by...HTML
1. City Planning Friendly to the EnvironmentHTML
2. Adopting Activities with Small Loads on the...HTML
3. Participation and Cooperation in Surveys,...HTML
4. Offer of Information to Residents,...HTML
III. Private Responsibilities and Their ContributionsHTML
1. To Understand Relations Between Their Own...HTML
2. For Corporations to Reduce Loads of Their...HTML
3. To Develop Environmental TechnologyHTML
4. To Give Consideration to Counterpart...HTML
5. To Evolve Activities Positively...HTML
IV. Grass-roots Movement--Global Citizens' RoleHTML
1. To Deepen Recognition of Issues on the EnvironmentHTML
2. To Reduce Loads on the Environment in the Daily LifeHTML
3. Positive Participation in Activities for...HTML
V. Aid to Developing Countries for Sustainable...HTML
1. Government-to-Government Cooperation in...HTML
2. Stepping up Future Government-Based...HTML
3. Environmental Cooperation by Local...HTML
Chapter3. Present State of the EnvironmentHTML
I. Present State of Environmental PollutionHTML
1. Air PollutionHTML
2. Water PollutionHTML
3. NoiseHTML
4. VibrationHTML
5. Offensive OdorsHTML
6. Soil PollutionHTML
7. Land SubsidenceHTML
8. WastesHTML
9. ChemicalsHTML
II. Present Situation of Natural EnvironmentHTML
1. State of Natural EnvironmentHTML
2. Present State of WildlifeHTML
Chapter4. Comprehensive Promotion Of...HTML
I. Budget for Environment ConservationHTML
1. Outline of Budget, Financial Investments and LoansHTML
2. Budget for Environment ConservationHTML
3. Loan, Subsidy and Tax Measures for...HTML
4. Allocation of Costs for Pollution...HTML
II. Environmental Impact AssessmentHTML
III. Community-Rooted Environment ConservationHTML
1. Promotion of Environmental ManagementHTML
2. Promotion of Building of Amenity Areas and...HTML
IV. Environmental Pollution Control ProgramsHTML
1. Outline of Environmental Pollution Control ProgramsHTML
2. Formulation of Environmental Pollution...HTML
3. Promotion of Implementation of...HTML
V. Environment Protection Against Impacts of...HTML
VI .Safety of ChemicalsHTML
1. Promotion of Measures on Safety of ChemicalsHTML
2. Comprehensive Environmental Survey on...HTML
3. Outline of Survey on Residue of Designated...HTML
4. Outline of Survey on...HTML
VII. Environment Conservation in Land UtilizationHTML
1. Rationalization of Land UtilizationHTML
2. Rationalization of Industrial LocationHTML
3. Development Green Buffer BeltsHTML
VIII. Public Information and EducationHTML
1. Public InformationHTML
2. Environmental EducationHTML
Chapter5. Air Pollution, Noise, Vibration,...HTML
I. Present State of Air PollutionHTML
II .Measures Against Various Air PollutantsHTML
1. Measures Against Sulfur Oxides PollutionHTML
2. Measures Against Nitrogen Dioxides PollutionHTML
3. Measures Against Particulate MatterHTML
4. Measures Against Petrochemical Air PollutionHTML
5. Protection of Ozone LayerHTML
6. Other Air PollutantsHTML
III. Development of Monitoring SystemHTML
IV. Traffic Pollution--Present State and MeasuresHTML
1. Comprehensive PromotionHTML
2. Measures Against Road Traffic PollutionHTML
3. Measures Against Aircraft NoiseHTML
4. Measures Against Shinkansen's Noise and VibrationHTML
V. Noise--Present State and MeasuresHTML
1. Present State of NoiseHTML
2. Measures Against NoiseHTML
VI .Vibration--Present State and MeasuresHTML
1. Present State of VibrationHTML
2. Countermeasures for VibrationHTML
VII. Offensive Odors--Present State and MeasuresHTML
1. Present State of Offensive OdorsHTML
2. Measures for Prevention of Offensive OdorsHTML
Chapter6. Water Pollution--Present State And MeasuresHTML
I. Water Pollution--Present State and Cause of...HTML
1. Present StateHTML
2. CausesHTML
II. Damage Caused by Water PollutionHTML
1. Pollution of Tap Water SupplyHTML
2. Pollution of Industrial WaterHTML
3. Damage on AgricultureHTML
4. Damage on FisheriesHTML
5. Other DamageHTML
III. Prevention of Water PollutionHTML
1. Establishment of Environmental Quality StandardsHTML
2. Strengthening of Controls on Effluence.HTML
3. Miscellaneous Household EffluentHTML
4. Sewer SystemsHTML
5. Surveillance and Monitoring SystemHTML
6. Measures for PurificationHTML
7. Water Pollution in Agriculture, Forestry...HTML
lV. Conservation of Water Quality of Closed Water AreasHTML
1. Areawide Total Pollution Load ControlHTML
2. EutrophicationHTML
3. Environment of Lakes and ReservoirsHTML
4. Environmental Conservation of the Seto Inland SeaHTML
V. Groundwater Pollution--Present State and MeasuresHTML
1. Present State of Groundwater PollutionHTML
2. Measures Against Groundwater PollutionHTML
VI. Marine Pollution-Present State and MeasuresHTML
1. Present State of Marine PollutionHTML
2. Prevention of Marine PollutionHTML
3. Oil Pollution CompensationHTML
Chapter7. Other Pollution--Present State And MeasuresHTML
I. Present State of Waste Treatment and MeasuresHTML
1. Present State of Waste TreatmentHTML
2. Measures for Treatment of WasteHTML
II. Ground SubsidenceHTML
1. Present State of Ground SubsidenceHTML
2. Countermeasures for Ground SubsidenceHTML
III. Soil Pollution--Present State of...HTML
1. Present State of Soil PollutionHTML
2. Soil Pollution-Related MeasuresHTML
IV .Pollution by Agricultural...HTML
1. Present State of Pollution by Agricultural ChemicalsHTML
2. Measures Against Pollution by Agricultural ChemicalsHTML
Chapter8. Environmental Health MeasuresHTML
I. Compensation and Prevention of...HTML
1. System of Compensation and Prevention of...HTML
2. Diseases by Air PollutionHTML
3. Minamata DiseaseHTML
4. Itai-Itai DiseaseHTML
5. Chronic Arsenic PoisoningHTML
II. Surveys and Researches on Environmental HealthHTML
1. Surveys and Researches on Health Impacts by...HTML
2. Surveys and Researches on Health Effects by...HTML
Chapter9. Settlement Of Environmental...HTML
I. Environmental Pollution Disputes and...HTML
1. Environmental Pollution DisputesHTML
2. Grievances about Environmental PollutionHTML
II. Environmental Pollution OffensesHTML
Chapter10. Conservation Of Natural EnvironmentHTML
I. Comprehensive Promotion of Measures for...HTML
1. Basic Survey on Conservation of Natural EnvironmentHTML
2. Designation of Areas for Conservation of...HTML
3. Surveys on Areas for Conservation of...HTML
4. Dissemination of Awareness of Importance of...HTML
5. Conservation of Nature with the People's InvolvementHTML
II. Conservation of Natural ParksHTML
1. Designation of Natural Parks and Review of...HTML
2. Protection of Nature in Natural ParksHTML
3. Purchase of Privately-owned Land for...HTML
4. Protection and Appropriate Utilization of...HTML
5. Facilities in Natural ParksHTML
6. Guidance to Users of Natural ParksHTML
III. Conservation of WildlifeHTML
IV .Conservation of Natural Environment in ForestsHTML
1. Forest ProgramsHTML
2. Protection ForestsHTML
3. Conservation and Management of Protection ForestsHTML
V .Nature Conservation in Urban Areas and...HTML
1. Nature Conservation in Urban AreasHTML
2. Conservation of Cultural Properties and...HTML
VI. Sound Utilization of Natural EnvironmentHTML
1. Hot Springs, Rest Facilities and Outdoor...HTML
2. Golf Links and Nature ConservationHTML
3. Environment of Rivers and Ports and HarborsHTML
VII. Greening Movement Evolution of Greening MovementHTML
Chapter11. Surveys And Researches On...HTML
I .Studies by National Institute for...HTML
1. Strengthening of Research SystemHTML
2. Replenishment of Research ActivitiesHTML
II. Surveys and Researches on Environment ProtectionHTML
1. Surveys and Researches at PresentHTML
2. Environmental Researches and Studies by...HTML
3. Surveys and Researches with Fund for...HTML
4. Researches and Studies by Local GovernmentsHTML
Chapter12. Promotion Of International...HTML
I. Grappling Questions on Global EnvironmentHTML
II. Bilateral Cooperation Under Conventions, Etc.HTML
III. Environmental Cooperation with Developing...HTML
IV. Promotion of Public Information Overseas, Etc.HTML
Chapter13. Environmental Protection By Local...HTML
I. Environment Protection by Local GovernmentsHTML
1. Present State of Organizations and Staff...HTML
2. Enactment of DecreesHTML
3. Environmental-Pollution Prevention AgreementsHTML
4. Costs for Measures Against Environmental PollutionHTML
II. System for Prevention of Environmental...HTML
1. Execution of Environmental-Pollution...HTML
Appendix1. Organization and Functions of the...HTML
1. BackgroundHTML
2. Administrative ResponsibilitiesHTML
3. OrganizationHTML
4. Administrative Responsibilities of the BureausHTML
5. National Institute for Environmental StudiesHTML
6. National Institute for Minamata DiseaseHTML
Appendix2. National StandardsHTML
1. Ambient Air Quality StandardsHTML
2. Environmental Quality Standards for NoiseHTML
3. Environmental Water Quality Standards (Dec....HTML
4. National Emission StandardsHTML
5. National Effluent Standards (June 21, 1971;...HTML
Appendix3. Environmental StatisticsHTML
1. Budget and Public FinancingHTML
2. Settlement of Pollution-related Disputes...HTML
3. Major Nature Reserves and Natural ParksHTML
4. Environmental Administration by Local GovernmentHTML
5. Environmental Monitoring Air (As or March 1987)HTML
Appendix4. Major Environmental Issues In FY1989HTML
フィールド | 値 |
作成者 | 環境計画課 |
最終更新日 | 11月 4, 2024, 03:51 (UTC) |
作成日 | 1月 10, 2024, 23:27 (UTC) |
creator | 環境計画課 |
description | |
harvest_object_id | d465b3e3-29fd-4e93-93a0-2fdcc25f7eb3 |
harvest_source_id | fb294fd6-a449-45cc-b913-52e2c392aaa4 |
harvest_source_title | e-Govデータポータル |
release_date_legacy | |
リリース日 | 2014-09-19 |
作成頻度 | 1年 |
内容最終更新日 | 2024-11-04 |
連絡先 | 環境計画課 |