Quality of the Environment in Japan 1989
Quality of the Environment in Japan 1989 HTML
PartOne Renewal of Urban Ecosystem's CirculationHTML
Chapter1. Perspective for Analysis of Urban...HTML
(1) Environmental-Policy Tasks in CitiesHTML
(2) Grasping of Urban Environment as SystemHTML
(3)Metabolism in CitiesHTML
(4) Nature and Environmental Resources in the CitiesHTML
(5) Man in the Cities--Environmental Policy fromHTML
chapter 2. Man in the Cities-Environment with...HTML
1. Water Circulation and Pollution in the CitiesHTML
(1) Changes in Water Circulation and ImpactsHTML
(2) Urbanization and Ongoing Water PollutionHTML
(3) Pollution of Underground WaterHTML
(4) Changes in Water Circulation and WatersideHTML
2. Urban Energy MetabolismHTML
(1) Urban Energy Consumption and Urban EnvironmentHTML
(2) Consumption of Urban Energy Consumption at PresentHTML
(3) Urban Energy SourcesHTML
3. Movement of People and Goods and Automobile...HTML
(1) Automobile Traffic and Nitrogen OxidesHTML
(2) Actual State of Urban TrafficHTML
(3) Background for Rise in Automobile TransportHTML
(4) Density of Urban Automobile TrafficHTML
4. Circulation of Matter and Refuse in the CitiesHTML
(1) Human Activities and Refuse in the CitiesHTML
(2) Waste Disposal and Environmental IssuesHTML
(3) Recycling of WasteHTML
5. Open Space in the Cities and Enviroment for...HTML
(1) Conditions of Nature in the CitiesHTML
(2) Multifarious Values of Open Space in the CitiesHTML
Chapter3. Attempts to Regenerate Circulation...HTML
1. Attempts from Urban SystemsHTML
(1) Traffic MeasuresHTML
(2) Systems for Regeneration of Water CirculationHTML
(3) Systems for Efficient Utilization of EnergyHTML
(4) Measures for Conservation and Creation of...HTML
2. New Lifestyle and Movement for...HTML
(1) Activities for Environmental Conservation...HTML
(2) Activities for Conservation and...HTML
Chapter4. Policy Evolution in Regenerating...HTML
フィールド | 値 |
作成者 | 環境計画課 |
最終更新日 | 11月 4, 2024, 04:59 (UTC) |
作成日 | 1月 10, 2024, 23:54 (UTC) |
creator | 環境計画課 |
description | |
harvest_object_id | 9c41ab35-fd83-4a9a-b4b7-70b085e094a9 |
harvest_source_id | fb294fd6-a449-45cc-b913-52e2c392aaa4 |
harvest_source_title | e-Govデータポータル |
release_date_legacy | |
リリース日 | 2014-09-19 |
作成頻度 | 1年 |
内容最終更新日 | 2024-11-04 |
連絡先 | 環境計画課 |